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Thursday, November 10, 2011

What if you don't have enough space

Recently I had to see this message on top of my Gmail interface :(. Google is asking me to delete some of my emails to get enough space or buy extra storage from them.

Wonder what has happened to the increasing space of the Gmail that they are showing in their login page.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

How to fix the disappearance of Android SDK Manager

Just after a successful installation of the Android SDK Manager I had to face to this problem.  

When I was trying to launch the Adroid SDK Manager, Windows CMD screen just briefly flashed on for half a second and then disappeared. Since I had no idea about the issue and even there was no log to check the issue I had to use my old gold friend to find a solution for this.

Among large number of solutions following solution was able to fix my problem.

Go to CMD and type Where Java (Keep in mind you must have set java path for this) to find whether you have configured the  java\bin path correctly in the correct place. following was the result I got after typing the command in my CMD.

Before fixing the issue

This means you have added your java\bin directory in your path variable after the windows\system32 directory path. In this case Android SDK Manager uses java.exe that is located inside C:\Windows\System32 folder.

So, to fix the problem go to Path variable in the environment variables section, click edit and then cut and paste the java\bin path (in my case C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_25\bin) from its original location before windows\system32 directory. 

After fixing the issue

Launch the Android SDK Manager after this fix and you will be able to see what you wanted to see in your screen.

Have fun with Android :)

Cheers !!!!